Tiger worms
Tiger worms are small compared to African nightcrawlers and can be grown in small bins. They grow well in a wide temperature range of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius and feed on various foods, including fruit and vegetable scraps. They are ideal for composting and commercial worm casting production.

African Nightcrawlers
African Nightcrawlers are large, fast-breeding worms that can grow up to 12 inches. They are best grown in wide surface containers to avoid overcrowding. In Thailand, commercial worm casting producers often feed them cow manure. These worms thrive in temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.
Blue worms
Blue worms are very small and breed quickly. Ideal for home-based composting, they are easy to care for but may leave bins during the rainy season. They prefer warm temperatures, thriving best between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.